Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The Midterms

It's that time of year again! And I'm not talking about pumpkin spice lattes (although they are delicious) - it is MIDTERM SEASON! Not only is it a flurry of tests, reports and projects due at once - it's also getting darker earlier which makes it even harder to stay awake. Alas, things must get done. 

So to get myself pumped for the season here are the top 3 reasons to push through midterms! 

1) October is beautiful! 
The weather is crisp and fresh leading to alertness and open windows. The ideal study environment. Also, did I mention it's crisp? Bring out those sweatshirts and wrap yourself while you dive into those books.

2) Time seems to speed up. 
Now, I would say I'm one who lives in the moment and appreciates the small things in life but there comes a time when you want something to be over (especially if it involves stress and no sleep). Somehow the checklist will get filled with tiny checkmarks and before you know it it is November! One of the bright sides of working so hard you forget what day of the week it is.

3) Holidays are coming! 
Time with family and friends is looming in the distance when we make it through this dark time. No matter the traditions you celebrate - we can all agree good food, laughs and memories are to be had and we'd do anything to get there. Take that as motivation to get through these sad, sad times. 

(Isn't this the cutest??)

Well, here we go! Tests start tomorrow and staying positive is my only choice - that's the way I see it. Good luck to all of those experiencing the same things right now - you can do it!

Speak. Listen. Sparkle.

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