Sunday, March 22, 2015

The First week - Practicum School Edition

Fast forward a couple of months and here I am! I just finished my last 8 weeks of classes - EVER and my first week at my school full time externship in a middle school. It feels amazing to finally be done with classes and focus on what I truly am passionate about - providing speech and language treatment to kiddos.

I was apprehensive about starting my full time placement mainly because I haven't experienced living and breathing the full time work day and I didn't know if I could survive the 7:45-4pm work day. I was pleasantly surprised to find the day goes by quickly because I absolutely enjoy what I am doing. Finally I get to put all my skills to the test! There will be so many things that I will learn throughout this experience and I am looking forward to the growth over the next eight weeks. I'm fortunate to have a wonderful mentor/supervisor and her enthusiasm is contagious! I am excited to experience my first IEP meetings this week and learn the process.

Well that is it for now! I am thrilled to be getting closer and closer to the end of graduate school but in the meantime I am loving what I am doing!

Speak. Listen. Sparkle.

Monday, November 24, 2014

The Convention After-Glow

Phew, made it back alive after the ASHA convention 2014! I've come back with new knowledge, fueled energy, and freebies (cow bells, frisbees, and more!) Meeting up with old and new friends is probably one of my favorite aspects of the convention. Even though this was my second round, I already feel how valuable the convention is to renew connections formed in previous years!

I went to many great sessions including a handful on integrating the common core into age-appropriate goals, creating a positive work environment, and practical sessions such as landing your CFY and resume workshops. My notebook is filled with tips and notes that I want to incorporate into my practice! That is one of the best things about ASHA it fuels your energy to become a better clinician and integrate the latest techniques. 

Well, time to hibernate for a little before I get back into the swing of things! Can't wait for Denver next year!

Speak. Listen. Sparkle!


Friday, November 7, 2014

The Convention

I'm back! Phew, finally made it through the chaotic and fast pace month of October. The midterms, projects and whirlwind of meetings are over. Is it just me or does October seem to have two days in it? It feels that way. Once I realized we are now in the month of November, we are now less than two weeks away from the annual ASHA convention! Can you believe it? 

Last year was my first opportunity to attend the overwhelming yet life changing event. There is nothing quite like a massive infiltration of SLPs swarming in and out of workshops, classes, and exhibits with a large colorful Super Duper Bag filled with freebies. The energy is unmatched. I cannot wait to make my way down to Orlando for this year's convention and hopefully walk in with a better idea of how to make the most out of the event. 

3 things I learned from last year's convention

1) Bring water. Running from session to session was a requirement to squeeze in everything I wanted to see. The first day I didn't bring water and boy did I regret it. Staying hydrated is a definite must to absorb the information presented.

2) Plan ahead. Pack snacks, create your schedule, and build in break time before leaving for the day. ASHA provides a program planner ahead of time so you can prioritize sessions to get the most out of the convention. Walking into a large operation with no game plan left me turned around and missing valuable talks.

3) Buy the lunch package with your ticket. ASHA offers boxed lunches each day of the convention to make your break efficient and hassle-free. Not having the boxed lunch was stressful when trying to find food options and meeting up with friends on time (since I spent a great deal of time waiting in line).

There you have it! In a later post I'll fill you in on some sessions I think are worth checking out.

Speak. Listen. Sparkle.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The Midterms

It's that time of year again! And I'm not talking about pumpkin spice lattes (although they are delicious) - it is MIDTERM SEASON! Not only is it a flurry of tests, reports and projects due at once - it's also getting darker earlier which makes it even harder to stay awake. Alas, things must get done. 

So to get myself pumped for the season here are the top 3 reasons to push through midterms! 

1) October is beautiful! 
The weather is crisp and fresh leading to alertness and open windows. The ideal study environment. Also, did I mention it's crisp? Bring out those sweatshirts and wrap yourself while you dive into those books.

2) Time seems to speed up. 
Now, I would say I'm one who lives in the moment and appreciates the small things in life but there comes a time when you want something to be over (especially if it involves stress and no sleep). Somehow the checklist will get filled with tiny checkmarks and before you know it it is November! One of the bright sides of working so hard you forget what day of the week it is.

3) Holidays are coming! 
Time with family and friends is looming in the distance when we make it through this dark time. No matter the traditions you celebrate - we can all agree good food, laughs and memories are to be had and we'd do anything to get there. Take that as motivation to get through these sad, sad times. 

(Isn't this the cutest??)

Well, here we go! Tests start tomorrow and staying positive is my only choice - that's the way I see it. Good luck to all of those experiencing the same things right now - you can do it!

Speak. Listen. Sparkle.

Friday, October 10, 2014

The Adventure

Assessing a new client is one giant puzzle. There are pieces to gather all over the place! Information from the interview, informal observation, standardized assessments and above all else the motivation for possible therapy. Sometimes it is the parents coming in unsure of what their child needs and it is our job to give them some answers. Now, I like to call the assessment process "an adventure" due it's many characters, settings, plot, conflict and resolution. Let me walk you through the adventure of an assessment session!
The Adventure


The main character of any adventure is the client. The client controls (in most ways) their progress and motivation. Parents, educators, and friends may all have supporting roles in the adventure! Their support is crucial for the main character to reach their potential and provide them with a supporting environment along the way. The characters arrive at the initial assessment with different points of views and blank slates of what the upcoming adventure might be.


The setting of the evaluation is the environment you build to begin the adventure. They say that first impressions are everything! And, that might be true, but I also believe that all impressions should be great and that throughout the evaluation you should be building a safe, comfortable, and hopeful environment for every client. However, the setting may change throughout the adventure. This may mean bringing in new characters to gain a better understanding of the overall communication profile through spontaneous conversations. This may mean bringing in the child's favorite toy or book because it puts them at ease. Taking a few pages from each setting is the beginning to shape the adventure! 


Here comes the drama of any adventure! The characters and setting have been laid out and now it's time to figure out the "problem" or "reason" for the adventure. The plot becomes revealed after a thorough interview with the characters, manipulating the setting, and completing a standardized and dynamic assessment. The plot may not always become apparent at first. The characters may come in with an idea of what the plot may be but after beginning their adventure the plot may change. This is the tricky part! Keeping a watchful eye (a clinician's eye!) on what the plot truly is. 


Once the plot is revealed there inevitably may be some conflict. The communication profile is discussed and the characters slowly begin to absorb the information one percentile rank at a time. This is the hardest part of any adventure! Interpreting what may be from what was seen. Being patient, kind and knowledgable is the best way to get through the conflict of the adventure. If there is anything I've learned from stories - it's that hope is the only way to a happy ending.


Finally, we have come to the resolution stage of the adventure! The part when the digesting of information and patience is over and a prognosis and treatment plan (or no treatment plan!) is made. This is the happy ending of the adventure because no matter what - you discovered how to best treat your client to make them be the best communicator they can be! 

The End!

Well there it is! The amazing adventure of an assessment process! Every story is different and that is the beauty I have found in this field - never the same thing twice. 

Speak. Listen. Sparkle.

Monday, October 6, 2014

The Data Sheet

Out all of the things that I am continually trying to perfect there is nothing more puzzling than my data sheet! Now in my second year of grad school I have gone through about 10 different designs to make collecting data easy and efficient. Nevertheless, there is that "something" missing inevitably forcing me to fill the empty white border with scribbles of pluses and minuses. 

If I were to pinpoint what is puzzling about data sheets I would say it's the inability to capture the complexity of speech and language in the form of a checkmark. In an ideal world, I would record language samples of all of my clients and analyze them to ensure that my treatment methods are in fact working! Now, I know this is too good to be true :) but if I could create a way to effectively capture enough information to create a snapshot I would be thrilled. 

Throughout my quest to find the perfect data sheet I came to the conclusion that maybe it's not a question of making THE perfect data sheet...but making several! In the past few weeks, I have designed two data sheets that are capturing that snapshot for my needs. My goal is to create an ongoing library of data sheets that can be adapted and tailored to each client and target. That library is still being built however in the mean time here are the two data sheets I talked about!

The Data Sheets

Multi-goal Data Sheet 
Click here for my Multi-goal data sheet.

  • I created this data sheet to tackle multiple goals for the same client! The prompts section you will find has a lot of symbols - I use the symbols as my short cut for different prompts I give to the student: 
    • +: no prompts (either self-correction or spontaneous)
    • AH: Acoustic highlighting
    • M: Direct model
    • DM: Delayed model
    • Hourglass: wait time
    • Arrows up and down: breakdown buildup
    • Lighting arrow down: simplified task
    • Hand drawing: written cues
    • Flower: visual cues

Drill Collection Data Sheet
Click here for my Drill Collection data sheet

  • I created this data sheet to collect data for those drill tasks! I simply write the intended target (word, phrase, sentence) on the left column and keep track over the course of the week of their progress! 

There you have it! Hopefully my library of data sheets will soon fill up with reliable ways of collecting client's data. I'll keep updating about my adventures to conquer the missing "something" on my data sheets.

Speak. Listen. Sparkle!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

The Tool Bag

Oh, the invisible "tool bag" famously referred to by clinical instructors and textbooks alike as the magical bag overflowing with effective techniques and quick tricks to target any therapy goal that crosses their path. As a new clinician, my "tool bag" started as a cute maroon tote bag with a few sharpened pencils. My first year as a graduate student I would spend hours making materials for one specific goal, for one specific client, that would be so detailed if I left one piece at home the whole lesson plan would become a disaster. Sometimes after the session I'd throw it all away because there was no possible way I could re-use it for any other purpose. Game boards, puppets, flashcards, all circling your local landfill. I was determined there had to be a better way to start shopping for my "tool bag" to make lesson plans more efficient, effective, and exciting! 

Now as a second year master student and a year of clinical experiences under my belt my maroon tote bag has started to create compartments that have made filling my tool bag a little easier and cost effective (as well as environmentally friendly!). My following list is meant as a framework to start filling that "tool bag"! 

Top 5 Ways to Start Filling your "Tool Bag"

1. Books, books, books!
Is your student working on final -s? WH questions? Pragmatics? There's a book about that! There are hundreds upon hundred of books that can be used to target any goal - I mean that! Not only are books a great shared language experience I have found that I can use the same book to target three goals at once - talk about efficiency! And did I mention the little thing we like to call a library?? Free free free! Summary: books are versatile, exciting, and free! Check out Pinterest to find lists of books organized by therapy target just type in the search bar: speech therapy books.

2. Themes!
Who doesn't love a theme? Themes make concepts come to life and provide a meaningful context for students to see the target multiple times in different contexts. Helloooooo generalization!!! Centering themes around seasons is one of the easiest ways to keep consistency in a session while targeting a child's list of IEP goals. If your theme is fall, having the child color apples while drilling a speech sound, then work on WH questions dressing stick figures (when do we wear a coat? who is wearing the red hat? etc.), and finally targeting prepositions by directing the child to place the dressed people 'on top' or 'under' the tree! Summary: themes keep consistency in a session, increase opportunity for generalization outside therapy, and just plain cute! Who doesn't love a little  "hand" made turkey? 

3. Less is more!
This is an age old term whether you're talking about makeup, wedding dresses, or cologne. What I mean in this context is that the simpler an activity is the easier it is to explain the directions, keep the therapy target as focus of therapy, and let's just be honest the tote bag will be lighter on those walks into the clinic! When making a lesson plan, I have found that if I can use the same game board, picture cards, or puppets for multiple therapy targets and students - the more valuable that material is! When making materials or purchasing them, I make sure I can reuse the item for at least 3 purposes before following through. Summary: using the "less is more" strategy will enhance your tool bag's versatility, keep it light, and keep it purposeful! Clear space, clear mind!

4. Repurpose Materials!
Thrift stores, second hand shops, and even household items can all be repurposed into a meaningful therapy materials! Pinterest has embraced this idea and it has been my source of inspiration for client after client. However, sometimes the ideas can be time consuming, and if you're not the crafty person it can be down-right painful. When repurposing materials it doesn't have to be a craft project but rather an economical tool to provide some fun in a session- take the box. Boxes can be the most exciting therapy material to repurpose and be reused for many different targets in a session. Cereal boxes, shoe boxes, or tissue boxes! Use a box for a barrier game, to sort vocab cards, or even create a big dice for a game! Summary: repurposing materials can be a cost-effective, creative and intriguing way to incorporate new life into your sessions! 

5. Coloring book Pages!
Hand a coloring page to a child and they know instantly what to do! I have found online free coloring pages as one of my most useful techniques to use for countless therapy activities and goals. Print out a picture of a ladybug - work on speech drills by filling in the dots, cut out the ladybug and use it do actions, and paste it into a speech journal to take home! This easy and fun activity usually gets kiddos excited especially if you use a theme, a book, a less is more game, and a repurposed items throughout! Summary: coloring book pages are easily accessible, adaptable, and engaging! And, not to mention the artwork is a reminder of a successful therapy session hopefully intrinsically motivating the students to do well!

Well, there you have it! My top 5 ways to start filling your "tool bag". My tote bag is nowhere near filled and as a student clinician I am constantly learning from my supervisors and seasoned speech language pathologists what is effective and meaningful for each child! 

:) Speak. Listen. Sparkle,